Monday, September 29, 2008

To question a stereotype.

To question a stereotype is not an easy task. The question is how can we as people see through a stereotype? Even the word stereotype has been stereotyped! We instantly think of a type of person like some one who wears glasses, highwaters, and pocket protectors as a nerd, being a stereotype. The types of stereotypes I'm referring to are a little harder to label. For example, through a religious view, who's life is worse? A man who smokes and drinks and attends church, or a women who eats unhealthy on a constant basis and attends? The difference to me is non existent. The whole problem generates from the ''quote'' if you will, the body is a temple. If the body is a temple, then who is to say that a Black and Mild is any worse than a Big Mac? For another example, how can a person's choice to speak in a certain manner (slang) instantly set their intellect? One's thought process and one's ''choice'' to speak in a way more native to their surroundings are not always equal. Say a person's I.Q. is extremely high and that person enters an ice cream shop. Does the ''choice'' of vanilla over strawberry make the knowledge in their mind any less available? Please give any stereotypes or answers you may have on this topic.

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