Wednesday, October 22, 2008

To question Blueprints and Updates.

I have a theory dealing with the development of human beings. I call it ''Blueprints and Updates''. In my view, blueprints are the inevitable actions, characteristics, and mannerisms of a person. These blueprints are divided into unnamed groups of similar but not entirely equal ''types'' of people in the world. For example, two people that may think the same, not in terms of the same favorite color, or same style of clothes but the same thought process or way of looking at things. The people in the same groups are more inclined to have similar talents or abilities, and the same perception. They also may find enjoyment in the same activities. Since there is a vast multitude of these blueprint groups, to count or name them would be close to impossible. The updates I referred to earlier are the uncounted events, people, and situations we are exposed to in life. Everything we experience helps shape and mold our future selves. When you meet a person that may use a certain word excessively, eventually, you begin to use that word. If you move to another state and continue to use that word people identify you with that specific word depending on how much others in the surrounding area use it. If you use that same word as much as the person you learned it from, others that you may associate with may add this word into their vocabulary unintentionally. This process is one of the main factors in the survival and spread of slang. If someone has a bad experience with a dog they may steer away from the species. As insignificant as that may be, it still changes your future. My question today is which is the larger factor in life? Are your blueprints to blame for your current position in life or the updates that follow?


Mercelyn said...

i would have to say that the "updates" influence your position in life the most. i say this because your destiny and "blueprint" that God has for your life is predetermined. once you are aligned with his commandments your plan unfolds. however, when you have bad "updates" or influences in your life, you are detered from where you really should be in life. Your updates determine where you go and how far you will go in various aspects of your life. Your success is also dependent on how much you let your surroundings affect you. they will either lift you up or pull you down. but that is up to your discretion. this blog is pretty darn great! lol

Trying2SucceedNLife said...

Ultimately, you have your weak blueprints who succumb to any and everything. Then you have your strong blueprints, who have their own morals and values. One could say that the "update" is life in general.
From a spiritual standpoint, if you're a devout christian, you wont (you shouldnt) let outside distractions influence you because you have values and morals.
Overall, one's goal in life is to be happy. Therefore, if you let the "updates" influence you, then you will never achieve ultimate happiness.
Furthermore, in the end, "updates" dont even matter. Therefore, blueprints influence your position the most.